ISS Kontakt mit einer Schule in Sardinien

  •   On the Air ÖVSV Dachverband

Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA wird von der ISS aus ab ca 1012 UTC Kontakt mit einer Schule in Sardinien haben. Downlink QRG ist wie üblich  145.800 MHz. Die Konversation wird wohl auf Italienisch erfolgen.

Hier die Ankündigung in Englisch.

ARISS contact planned for Lanusei, Sardinia

An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for astronaut Paolo Nespoli IZØJPA  with  Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Leonardo Da Vinci”, Lanusei, Italy

The event is scheduled Saturday November 4, 2017 at approximately 10.12 UTC.
This contact will be operated by ISØBWM.
Downlink signals will be audible in parts of Europe on 145.800 MHz narrowband FM.

HamTV is planned for this contact.:

School Information:

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Leonardo Da Vinci”  is a general secondary school for students from 14 to 19 years old (a five years’ curriculum), where general education is integrated in four specialised courses: scientific (with strong emphasis given to Maths, Physics and Science), linguistic (where they learn three second languages and literatures), human sciences (with Anthropology, Psychology and other Pedagogy), classical (where they are taught Old Greek and Latin).

The school serves Lanusei and all the villages around with ca 600 students attending its courses.
Apart from classrooms all equipped with interactive multimedia boards, in the school there are ICT labs, chemistry labs, physics labs, language labs and gyms. What makes our school even more unique within the territory is the presence of a ‘planetarium’ used to enhance students analysis and study of astronomical phenomena, which is open to external visitors as well.

Our school is located in Lanusei-Ogliastra, an area in the central east part of Sardinia (Italy). The little town has only around 5,500 inhabitants, but has played a key role in the social, cultural and political history of Ogliastra, the subregion. It is a co-capital, together with Tortolì.
The school has taken part in several projects/activities along the years concerning different educational fields. There are specific subject-oriented ones such as Maths Olympics, language certification preparation courses, Latin national contests, or  others focused on European citizenship (Comenius – multilateral projects).

The school tries to stimulate students’ education also being partner of associations such as AFS-Intercultura, local health service), public institutions (Sardinian Region, Province) and professional communities. All these activities have largely contributed to the development in our students of a better attitude towards the others and our community in general, while also improving their general knowledge and competence.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1. Gaia: quali sensazioni si provano durante la fase di lancio?
2. Sabrina: come descriverebbe in tre parole la sua esperienza nello spazio?
3. Elena: come è stata la sua prima missione nello spazio?
4. Federica: qual è la principale differenza in ambito tecnologico tra la sua attuale missione e quella del 2007?
5. Lisa: quando dorme, i suoi sogni sono legati alla Terra o allo spazio?
6. Sergio: quale è stata la parte più impegnativa dell'ultimo addestramento?
7. Fulvia: dopo la Luna, la Missione Marte come se la immagina?
8. Federica: ha mai avuto paura guardando lo spazio buio che la circonda?
9. Elisa: dato la Sua esperienza di volo, meglio lo Shuttle o la Soyuz?
10. Sofia: con quale frequenza avete contatti con la vostra famiglia?
11. Elisa: tra gli esperimenti che state facendo, quali stanno dando i migliori risultati?
12. Roberta: alla fine di una giornata di lavoro qual è la prima cosa che desidera fare?
13. Ilaria: è possibile importare dallo spazio batteri che potrebbero diventare virali sulla Terra?
14. Benedetta: sappiamo che al rientro dovete seguire un programma di riabilitazione, di cosa si tratta?
15. Vaclav: se degli asteroidi minacciassero la Terra, voi potreste fare qualcosa?
16. Giovanna: al rientro dallo spazio quali sono le sensazioni fisiche ed emotive?
17. Marilena: nella routine quotidiana sulla Terra ha mantenuto qualche abitudine acquisita sulla ISS?
18. Emanuele: come è cambiata la sua visione dell’universo da quando l’ha visto dallo spazio?
19. Martina: come vive l’internazionalità dei colleghi? Il suo orgoglio di essere italiano è cresciuto?
20. Ludovica: cosa pensa nel sapere di essere ciò che molti bambini sognano di diventare?
21. Marco: come ci si sente ad essere nella ristretta cerchia di persone che hanno provato a vivere in assenza di gravità?

1. Gaia: what feelings are felt during the launch phase?
2. Sabrina: as he would describe his experience in space in three words?
3. Elena: as was his first mission in space?
4. Federica: what is the main technological difference between its current mission and that of 2007?
5. Lisa: when he sleeps, his dreams are related to the Earth or space?
6. Sergio: which was the most demanding part of the last training?
7. Fulvia: after the Moon, as you imagine the Mars Mission?
8. Federica: he was ever afraid to look at the dark space around him?
9. Elisa: given your flying experience, the better the Shuttle or the Soyuz?
10. Sofia: how often do you have contact with your family?
11. Elisa: among the experiments you are doing, which are giving you the best results?
12. Roberta: at the end of a business day what's the first thing you want to do?
13. Ilaria: can you import from the space bacteria that could become viral on Earth?
14. Benedetta: we know that when you come back you have to follow a rehabilitation program, what it is?
15. Vaclav: if asteroids threatened the Earth, you could do something?
16. Giovanna: to return from space such as physical and emotional feelings?
17. Marilena: in the daily routine on Earth has maintained some habits acquired on the ISS?
18. Emanuele: as his vision of the universe has changed since he saw it from space?
19. Martina: how does the internationality of colleagues work? His pride of being Italian has grown?
20. Ludovica: what do you think about being what many children dream of becoming?
21. Marco: as it feels to be in the restricted circle of people who have tried to live in the absence of severity?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, JAXA, and CSA.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.


Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS Europe

QRG 145,800 MHz

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